Friday, May 27, 2011

Flats Challenge Day 5

By 10:00 a.m. this morning, I could already tell that today was going to be a scorcher.  I rushed downstairs once Julia was napping and I hand washed the flats from yesterday.  I have become a regular pro at this hand washing thing and I may never machine wash her diapers again.  Once they were washed, I ran them outside and hung them on the line.

After reading Kim's blog on ECing, I am excited for my daughter to learn how to sit up so we can try it out.  Already, as a result of this challenge, I am more aware of her body's routine.  For example, I know that right after she nurses she wets, and right after she eats solids... well, you get the idea.  I am learning the difference between each grunt, squeal and coo.  Prior to this challenge, in her pocket diapers, I was not aware of her routine.  She was just wet or just soiled and I changed her blindly.  Now, I can almost sense it coming, listen to her grunt, and then confirm it immediately with a diaper change.  My goal, once she can sit, is to bring her to the bathroom as soon as I first sense it coming.

I can honestly say that participating in this challenge was one of the greatest things I could have done for myself and my daughter.  I feel like I have grown and matured lightyears as a mom, and as a natural mamma too.  If I can do this, what else can I do??

This challenge has done the impossible by bonding me even closer to my baby as I am more keenly aware of her needs.  Also, I'm not sure if it is simply a coincidence, but Julia has been the happiest of babies this week; nary a cry was heard in this house. I like to think that it is because I am understanding her more and responding to her needs way before she has to cry and get my attention.  For that, I will be eternally grateful to Kim.


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