Thursday, May 26, 2011

Flats Challenge Day 4

Today is the fourth day of the Flats Challenge.  We had another successful night last night.  I had to change her halfway through the night.  I think mostly it is for my peace of mind than as a result of her discomfort.  She wasn't really that wet, but I don't like her sitting in even a slightly wet diaper.  My daughter has never had an issue with diaper rash, and I tend to think that is why.

While she napped in the morning I grabbed all the dirty diapers and did a quick but efficient plunger wash. It was overcast this morning but I hung them out on the line anyway.  Provided it didn't start raining they would dry faster outside than in my basement.  Three hours later, the sun fought it's way through the clouds and it has turned into yet another marvelous day.  The diapers were still a little damp a few hours later, but once the sun came out the drying process sped up.  Only the cover has seemed to take a little longer than usual to dry.

Once the diapers come in off the line I fold them all in an origami fold and I fold another flat in the pad fold and then stack them on top of each other so they are handy and easy to grab during a change.  This has worked out really well for us.

I cannot express how grateful I am to have participated in this challenge.  I've washed diapers by hand 3 out of 4 days this week, and I used zero electricity to do this and most likely less water in all four buckets than one load of laundry in my HE washer.  Also, I am now a convert to flat diapers and it couldn't have come at a better time.  My daughter was just starting to outgrow her size small pocket diapers and I was stressing about spending money on new, larger ones.  Now I know that, at most, I will have to buy a few more covers, which are a fraction of the cost of pocket diapers.

I couldn't be more pleased.


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