Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day Three of the Flats Challenge

We are now roughly halfway through the Flats Challenge and I am amazed at how much better I have become at diapering my daughter in flats alone. In a way, it was a baptism by fire; if I was ever going to more fully incorporate flats into my diapering routine, this was the catalyst. By not having a choice to opt for a pocket diaper or prefold, I was forced to get the hang of flats. And as it turns out, I much prefer using flats! It is beyond my understanding why anyone would even consider using disposables -- cloth diapering is just that easy! All you need is the little extra love and patience required to maintain a clean stash. This challenge has also made me much more attune to my daughters needs and has bonded me to her even more. The benefits of cloth diapering are astounding, not to mention the hundreds, if not thousands, I will save by not purchasing another disposable!

The weathermen were wrong today, but this time in my favor. The sun was bright and shining today and there was just a touch of a breeze. It was perfect conditions for hanging damp diapers out to dry, along with all our other laundry.

My fold of choice for my daughter is an origami folded receiving blanket with a pad folded Gerber flat/burp rag for extra absorbing power. She has yet to complain with all my redo's on her pinning. I am getting better at it. My biggest fear is getting too close to her skin with the sharp end of the safety pin, so I am careful not to rush.

Tonight will probably be my night off from bucket washing her flats. I have enough lined up ready to go for the rest of the day. I can always wash them tomorrow during one of her naps.


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