Tuesday, May 24, 2011

First Night with Flats and Day Two of Challenge

At around 8:00 pm last night, I realized that it would behoove me to wash my baby's flats in the bucket so that they could have all night to air dry.  The sun is not forecasted for the rest of the week, so line drying during the day is out of the question.  It took about 5-10 minutes of vigorous plunging, rinsing, plunging, rinsing and finally wringing them out.  They came out fantastic!  I left the last rinse cycle water in the bucket to use as a soak for today's diapers.

Last night was our first attempt wearing flats to bed.  My daughter tends to be a heavy wetter. Normally at night I use a pocket diaper with 2 to 3 inserts.  Even then, I frequently have to change her in the middle of the night which upsets her to no end. It isn't the most ideal routine, but we are making it work.

Last night I had her in an origami folded Gerber flat with a pad folded flat as a doubler, with a Bumkins shell. Around 3:00 a.m. she woke up to eat as usual and I noticed her diaper was cold and damp, so I changed her.  I had to change her again at 7:00 a.m when she woke up again for her breakfast.  As I said in a previous post, I have a new appreciation for just how often and how much my daughter wets.

For her first two diapers this morning I had to dip into the receiving blanket stash because the Gerber flats were still slightly damp from the wash last night.  Boy, am I glad I did.  I realize now why the Gerber flats are not considered true flats.  The receiving blanket made such a nicer fold, fit her fanny better, and it didn't look nearly as ugly as some of my diapers yesterday.  It was also softer on her skin.  For the rest of the day I used the Gerber flat and a receiving blanket in conjunction.  I pad folded the Gerber flat and placed it inside an origami folded receiving blanket as a doubler under her Bumkins shell.

The sun finally came out in the afternoon today so I was able to line dry the flats that were still damp from last nights washing.  I just plunger-washed my second load of blankets and flats and have them drying on the rack overnight again.  I have a feeling I will be washing something every night this week because of how many diapers she soils during the day.

Tonight, we are experimenting with an origami folded receiving blanket with a pad folded Gerber flat as a doubler.  If anyone has any nighttime diaper suggestions otherwise, I am open to them as well.

I am truly enjoying myself with this challenge.  In a way it is bringing me closer to my daughter because we are, in a sense, doing this challenge together.  And she is a fantastic teammate.


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