Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 1 of the Flats Challenge

My first day of the Flats Challenge started at 7:00 am with my daughter waking me up in her usual way: babbling and cooing to herself in her crib.  It is the worlds greatest alarm clock.  She is always so happy to see me come around the crib and lift her out.  She gets so excited she shakes with joy.

I expected my first attempt pinning a flat on her that early would have taken at least five minutes and involve me sticking myself with the safety pins and missing a leg in the fold.  Amazingly, she cooperated and in about one minute she was pinned and covered in her lavender Thirsties shell -- no pin pricking!  While it wasn't the most gorgeous diaper in the world, it stayed on her and she was happy to be dry. I instantly became optimistic about the rest of the weeks challenge.

80 minutes later, my daughter looked at me with her sleepy eyes and gave me her "I am not comfy" grunt.  I took her into  her room and put on her second flat diaper of the day.  She totally soaked through the first Gerber flat, so I grabbed a receiving blanket and used it as a second liner.  She fell asleep for her morning nap soon after this change.

The third diaper at 10:00 am was by far the ugliest.  She was squirming and I rushed to get it on her. Good thing there are no beauty contests for flat diaper applications.

I have to admit that when wearing pocket diapers or even the occasional disposable, I never really realized just how often my daughter wet her diaper.  I am more conscious of this now!  I lost track of how many changes she had after five diapers. 

The weather forecast for this week is wet and gloomy, so my hopes of a line dried diaper stash is not looking good.  Tomorrow will be my first hand washing experience.  I'm starting small with just a day's worth of dirty diapers to see how I do.

Enjoying myself so far!


1 comment:

  1. I'm a new follower, keeping up with the Flats Challenge! Please follow back if you have a chance! :)

    And Then There Were 4...
