Saturday, May 28, 2011

Flats Challenge Day 6/ Memorial Weekend

Today is day six of the Flats Challenge.  Julia made it through the entire night in one diaper, no leaks or messes.  She only woke me up once to eat, too.  I'm so pleased I could river dance around the living room!

By 9:00 a.m. I already had yesterday's diapers washed and hanging outside on the line and drying rack.  I am loving this routine.  The bucket gets so heavy when filled with dirty diapers and water that lifting it up and down to drain/add water has become a nice upper body workout.  That isn't taking into consideration the fanatical plunging I do, also.  My next task is to have my husband drill holes in the plunger.  It gets suctioned to the bottom of the bucket mid-plunge and I sometimes end up across the room with plunger whiplash.

Today is our first social outing of many this weekend wearing flats.  I know inevitably I will be grilled on why I am using receiving blankets and flats as diapers instead of "the throw aways".  Just that connotation alone makes my skin crawl.  My goal is to take the opportunity, each time I am asked, to educate and enlighten them on the benefits of cloth.  Most of our friends are still childless so hopefully I can instill some knowledge before the become set in their ways with disposables.  When friends have seen me using pocket diapers on Julia they are always stunned as to how cute and easy it appears to them to cloth diaper.  A pocket diaper resembles a Huggies diaper in its shape and function (snaps/velcro instead of sticky tabs), so my feeling is that they can relate the two together and it is not a foreign idea.  I am quite sure a few eyebrows will be raised when they see the diaper pins today, though.  Sometimes the unknown is scary to people and instead of being open to change it is met with judgement.  My goal is to breakdown those barriers and show people how easy and normal it is to cloth diaper.

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