Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Flats Challenge Day 2

It has been raining in New England since Sunday night.  I washed Monday's flats in my bucket right after I put my daughter to bed.  We went through so many flats because of my leak issues that day.  I was concerned they wouldn't dry in time for Tuesday so I set them up on the drying rack next to our dehumidifier in the basement.  They were perfect when I woke up this morning.

I am happy to report that we did much better today staying dry.  The diaper bag fold with a  pad folded flat insert has worked wonders for her.  It also gives her a really fluffy bottom!  It has been a much quieter day today and I have been able to get her to use the toilet for each pee and poop!  I hand washed the flats again tonight because it is still damp outside.

What does it take to participate in this challenge?  I have several Thirsties covers in a variety of colors.  My flats are a mix of brands, all of which I like very much.  I have 6 pink safety pins.  I have a large rubber bucket and plunger and rubber gloves.  I like to get my hands in there during the rinse cycle and mix it up by hands.  I have my homemade laundry soap set up and ready to go. Finally I have my dry rack, which I would be lost without.

Aside from my actual stash, most of the supplies are commonplace in many homes.  Handwashing the flats brings back memories from when I participated last year with water splashing everywhere, including my face, as I vigorously plunged my diapers.  But mostly, I am reminded how much a person can do with so little.  It is so refreshing to detach myself from my dependency and love affair with my washer and dryer.  It gives me confidence that in an emergency, I could manage my families laundry needs without electricity.


  1. A friend of mine had REALLY bad stink/ammonia issues with the homemade detergent...BUT that was with microfiber inserts in pocket diapers. Probably hard water too. I'm curious if the same problem would ever happen with flats, since they are natural fiber and easier to keep clean. The homemade detergent is so cheap but I haven't dared use it for diapers!

  2. That is interesting. I have noticed recently that my pocket diapers are requiring a little extra TLC lately, but I just assumed it was to be expected with all the use they get over time. The flats have been coming out stink free, so maybe I'll have to break down and get a "diaper only" detergent. That is if I ever go back to pocket diapers again after this challenge. I've been reunited with my flats and I don't understand why I stopped using them to begin with. Thank you for the tip!!
