Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Super Quick And Adorable Easter Craft for Toddlers

In honor of Easter this Sunday, I found a super quick and adorable paint project to do with my toddler.  It involves paint and body parts, which is a favorite craft of mine.  (On Valentines Day I painted her tiny hands red and pink and smashed them onto white card stock.   It was supposed to resemble a heart shape with the two hands.  We did the best that we could with a one year old.)

For this holiday, I decided to paint her foot yellow and turn it into a baby chick.  I used a non toxic water based craft paint that I picked up at a local hobby store.

Put your toddler in her high chair and occupy her hands with something to distract her.  I gave my daughter a few cheerios and she was content to let me paint her left foot completely yellow.  I had assistance from a mom friend on stand by with baby wipes and the card stock.

Once her foot was painted we mashed it carefully into the card stock and slowly peeled it away to prevent smears and smudges.  Her foot was quickly wrapped in baby wipes and all the paint was easily removed.

Here is the final result, with embellishments added later in the day once she was napping.  I added the flower by painting my own thumb different colors and making a pretty thumbprint Easter flower.

We will be giving this one to my husband to replace the Valentine's craft at his desk at work!

In total this craft took about 30 minutes.  If your child has very ticklish feet, this craft may be a little more difficult to make.

Happy Easter!!

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