Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Natural Beginning

Every good idea can find its roots in a single thought or inspiration. My goal is to create a space where I can share my thoughts, experiences and ideas on natural parenting as I stumble upon them. I also hope to learn from others at the same time.

For me, my inspiration comes from my four and a half month old daughter, Julia. From the moment I first learned I was expecting, I vowed ito make the next nine months the most healthy and natural for the both of us as I possibly could. It occurred to me that society as a whole has taken something as natural as pregnancy and made it more complicated than it had to be.

I started to research cloth diapering midway through my pregnancy. I knew money was going to be tight once I stopped working when the baby came and I couldn't rationalize spending hundreds of dollars on something that would end up sitting in a landfill for hundreds of years. My research left me feeling lost and overwhelmed, not knowing which style of fluff would be the best for me.

Luckily, I was blessed with a very supportive and informative sister-in-law who guided me along my cloth journey to where I am today: a moderately confident cloth diapering mamma. This confidence is allowing me to tip toe my way further into natural parenting challenges.

This brings me to a challenge proposed by Dirty Diaper Laundry. For one week in May, I will be diapering my daughter exclusively  flats and also handwashing them in a bucket with a plunger. I am excited for this challenge.  I think there is something very refreshing about stripping down to bare basics in life.  I also see this challenge as a way for me to contribute to the household expenses by not wasting electricity used in washing and drying the diapers.  While being a stay-at-home mom is not a paid position, by chipping away at the household expenses, I can contribute to our bottom line.

I urge you to follow me on my journey on cloth diapering like our grandpaents and great-grandparents did.

~ A

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